Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Struts 2 - Small Preview Successes

So no luck still connecting JBoss to ActiveMQ on a separate server but won't give up. There was some partial success binding a Queue (no stacktrace vomit), but haven't tested it yet so can't say this piece is over.

I'm looking also at Struts 2 for a small web application we're creating at work. After using the Maven archetype for the starter application, I successfully used the Jetty mojo that came included in the pom.xml file. A small thing - the example they have online published on Apache in the Creating an Application Using an Archetype section doesn't work. I had to change:
-DarchetypeVersion=2.0.5-SNAPSHOT \


I then installed the Maven pluggins for Eclipse so that I could see my source files to edit/play with them. But now, Eclipse is complaining about not seeing the JDK. I can't believe it doesn't use the JAVA_HOME enviornment variable. I know from dealing with this problem at work that I have to go modify an ini file or the Icon properties that launch the IDE, but jeez.

Setting up the development environment for this new project at work hasn't been easy, but I'm getting closer. Struts 2 seems like a good thing - I said the same about the Shale framework which was supposed to be Struts's evolution. I guess Struts 2 has a better chance at infiltrating the development world because of the name.


jamiebarrow said...

Hi, did you have success with JBoss and ActiveMQ?

I'm trying to get a standalone ActiveMQ to read from JBoss MQ queue (JBoss 4.0.3SP1). Were you trying anything like this, and if so, perhaps you could lead me in the right direction.

Do you still like Struts 2? Have you tried JSF at all?



Lara said...

I believe you can do this type of thing using a JMS Bridge. More on this at I've never done what you are attempting. Good luck!

I've tried JSF, Struts 2 and many other frameworks and like them all depending on what you are trying to do.

We chose Spring MVC and JQuery for the web interface. The client then communicated with the standalone ActiveMQ service using JMX.

Eran Smith said...

Servlets can be developed with both Java and ASP.NET thus giving an edge to dynamic webpage creation.

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