Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Integrating Active MQ with JBoss - Attempt 1

I have been trying to integrate JBoss with Active MQ for a few days now. I have found numerous how-to's on the net for embedding the Q broker using the same virtual machine, and even got an example to work after minor modifications using: http://activemq.apache.org/jboss-integration.html and http://activemq.apache.org/integrating-apache-activemq-with-jboss.html.

What I really need though is access opened to a remote Queue Broker. I thought it would as easy as setting up a data source, creating a few xml files, and adding a driver to the classpath on JBoss, but so far, no luck. I found some more clues and things to try. I'll post my findings as soon as I get the thing to work.

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