Wednesday, September 24, 2008

On Server Push Technologies

I've been impressed with how much information there is on the Internet on comet-like frameworks. Yet, I have not found a good reference implementation or even sample code that works. I see lots of pleas for help in forums posted by newbies trying to get the skinny examples they follow online to work. Its enough to make me pause for a second but not stop. I'm architecting a real-time message accepting web application, even if I have to code a nio page bus myself. Right now, I'm playing with Tomcat servlets. Next, I'll see how Jetty works. I'll keep it posted.

The issue with Active MQ was a typo in an example they provided; I ended up joining Confluence in an attempt to correct errors as I discovered them. In the end, I almost became an expert in embedded brokers (didn't need to really go there).

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