Monday, October 20, 2008

On Web Frameworks

Thus far, working with Spring MVC hasn't been too much of a challenge. I'm not sure which one I prefer yet from the MVC frameworks I've previewed this past year. Shale was interesting, fresh and well, layered. I enjoyed working with Shale's Clay (like Tapestry or Facelets). I found Struts 2, powerful, fully-loaded and ready to go. I liked this one the best so far but am deferring total judgement until the completion of our latest project. I hope Struts 2 takes off better than Shale. JSF is elegant, simple and great to pick up for a Project Swing gal like me.

Sometimes, picking the best framework for a particular project given so many great choices is difficult. Most shops have standards that guide such selections, taking into consideration how well a framework fits into the organizations best practices and knowledge expertise. I love open source and don't mind bleeding a little bit, so long as security isn't compromised. I can't wait to see how the Spring MVC project turns out. So far, so good.

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